About me


Hi, my name is Audrius and I work as Level 2 IT Engineer at not so extraordinary worldwide MSP company. Mostly working with Intune, Office 365, Active Directory infrastructure projects for new clients and also troubleshooting issues for them. Which I’m not a big fan of. Especially when Level 1 assigns me a ticket with “Outlook not working”. Don’t get me wrong, I love problem solving but those “simple” issues usually are the ones that sometimes costs me the most of my time. Thus, I decided to create a blog on how to solve “repetitive” problems, so I could give back the tickets to Level 1 with a link haha.

Of course, I’m kidding. I just noticed that the issues I’m having sometimes can’t be found on google (or information is really outdated) and hope that with this blog I will save some headaches ant most importantly – your precious time for fellow engineers and help desk guys.

My interests: Automation (obviously) – bash, powershell scripting, web development on my free time – NodeJS, Svelte, MongoDB. Hoping one day to become a senior system administrator (which I’m actually really scared of). Oh, and I’m huge Bitcoin fan, I even have made a web app for selling and buying files using the Bitcoin Lightning Network. (if you are interested, shoot me a message, I’ll share the link!)